and the words come pouring out…

Writing (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How do people who like to write, develop ideas, or get them started? There’s the obvious keeping a notebook, (or phone, Ipad, dictaphone; whatever you prefer).   Sometimes just sitting at a computer and writing whatever comes out is a great technique.  Other times it might be better to plan what to write before writing it.  There are also writing prompts and websites that push you into writing using various techniques.

I am a pen and paper girl, as regular readers of my blog will know, so I like jotting my ideas down on a blank sheet  first.  But even better than that is a white-board.  A plain simple white-board.

I have a white-board in my home which I have always used for planning essays and writing lists among other things.  I find it’s a great help for mind-mapping because it’s so big and I can rub out, draw arrows, use different coloured pens for different categories etc.

I start by writing down ideas and before I know it more and more ideas just came from nowhere.  It is as if I have a magic white-board!
